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By Admin Desk

Reduce Bounce Rate: If you have been struggling to fetch clients, to generate leads and increase search traffic to your site, the bounce rate can be the cause. In other words, the bounce rate is a percentage of visitors who leave your website as soon as they land rather than continuing to view other pages.

To rank on the top page of search results, it is paramount to have an attractive and engaging website. Poor ranking can be accounted for a high bounce rate. It implies to search engines that your website is falling off the approval of visitors and hence they give higher ranks to sites of your competitor to improve user experience.

Do not forget that a good rank of a web page depends on the time spent by users – ultimately, the end goal is to fulfill the purpose of a user. Sometimes even an engaging website can have a higher bounce rate as wrong visitors are landing. If so, you need to improve your overall marketing strategy to make sure that only your target audience is landing your website.

Improve readability

One of the most common reasons for a high bounce rate is the content is not user-friendly. Much as your published content is better than your competitors, your target audience may be finding it dull, boring and hard to read.

For instance, writing a blog in large paragraphs will make visitors feel yelling at themselves. The maximum the ease you provide, the better it is. A blog post should reflect the subject matter, length, tone, and examples.

  • Use subheadings
  • Bullet points
  • Tables, charts, and images
  • Bold words and lines to catch users’ attention

Improve the loading speed

When a web page takes a lot of time to upload, the user gets hacked off and switch to another site. Your website should open within a split of a second. A one-second delay can cost you 10% of sales. To speed up your website, you should look out for an excellent hosting service provider.

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You should switch to a dedicated web hosting service if you are currently using the shared one and experiencing poor performance. Another way to optimize the speed of your web pages is by optimizing images. Large images reduce the uploading speed. Although images, graphs, and charts make content attractive, do not flood the web page with them.

Avoid annoying ads and pop-ups

Irrelevant pop-ups can be infuriating to users. You will get a chance for running ads on your website if it has high traffic, but it can increase the bounce rate if you do not optimize the space. More than 70% of users do not like ads as they break the flow while reading. It is fine as long as you run ads on the side of the web page because it does not break the flow of reading.

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Users can understand about your product or service without paying attention to the ads and pop-ups alongside. However, do not underestimate the importance of pop-ups as they play a role to convert visitors into long-term readers provided they should be relevant to your business. You need to be strategic about running ads and pop-ups.

 Interlinking is a must

Dozens of interlinks in your content can whittle down the bounce rate because it ensures them to navigate from one page to another. It is crucial to improve engagement in them and to show search engines that visitors are moving around the website.

However, do not forget the principle of relevancy. If you have any useful and actionable blog, you should link it with other pages, but do not overdo it as it may bewilder your users. Have a logical linking strategy before you take a plunge.

Compelling call-to-action

Your job does not end as soon as you attract users to your website. The next step is to encourage them to take call-to-action (CTA). It should be compelling enough so that they click it. You should have only one CTA for one page. Think about what users want, what can entice them, and what can encourage them to click on CTA. Clear and relevant CTA can quickly get the job done.

Revise your product pages

Product pages are likely to have a higher bounce rate than other pages of a website. A user will take a look at a product page before making a final decision. If you think that people are landing the page but not making a purchase, you should scrutinize where you are lacking. It may have incomplete information, unclear return policy, etc. Try to know the problem and fix it as soon as possible.

No business can afford to have a high bounce rate because it makes it tough to meet all operation overheads. The lower the bounce rate, the higher the conversion rate. The tips mentioned above can help you achieve your goal. However, you can hire an expert. In case, you are running out of money, you can take out loans for bad credit with no guarantor.

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