Types of Allergies

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By Admin Desk


Allergies are not just the name of itching on the body, but like many other diseases, it is one of the most common human infections caused by genetic impairment of the immune system. It can also be assumed that the name of the allergy to the immune response after being attacked by foreign substances.

External substances or proteins that cause it are called allergens. Allergens can be found in food items, pets, or flowers. Allergies can attack anyone, including children and the elderly, and it is common for the human body to respond to inflammation, itching, sneezing and scarring on the body.

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Types of Allergies

There are several types of allergies, the nature of which can vary depending on the season, region and foreign substance. Some common types of allergies include summer allergies, spring allergies, chronic allergies, pollen allergies, dust allergies, and food allergies.

Symptoms of allergy

The human body may experience different symptoms in different types of allergies. These symptoms can also be the result of a number of factors. It is important to know what allergy the human body is facing and how severe the allergy is. Once detected, treatment is easier for the physician.

Food allergies

Food allergy involves eating a protein that the body does not accept and its reaction begins to appear. For example, most people experience allergies after eating eggs while the most common type of food allergy found in children is a peanut allergy.

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Symptoms of food allergy include swelling, measles, nausea, and fatigue. It takes time for anyone to understand that this reaction is caused by a food allergy. If you also experience a severe reaction after eating a diet, contact a physician immediately. No cure for food allergies has been discovered so far, so careful precautions should not be given to the affected person.

Weather allergies

One type of allergy is a seasonal allergy, the number of patients affected is increasing in different seasons.

Pollen allergy: Pollen allergy season lasts from the last week of February until May. The cause of this allergy is the number of yellow grains in the air; these yellow grains cause various symptoms when sensitive people begin to enter the body.

Rainy allergies: These allergies are attacked by people with sensitive bodies from July to September, which is due to the moisture in the weather and the particles in them.

Summer allergies: Summer allergies occur during June and July. People with these allergies suffer from respiratory diseases and other diseases.

Winter allergy: Symptoms of cold allergy usually include diarrhea and fever. The cold allergy season begins after the cultivation of cool and cold winds and cotton.

Symptoms of seasonal allergies include runny nose, swelling of the eyes, and bleeding. If the disease becomes severe, it is important to consult a physician to control the allergy in a timely manner.

Severe allergies

Anaphylaxis is the cause of severe allergies. It is an extracellular protein, which makes the body so sensitive that after 10 days another vaccine can produce a dangerous reaction. In response to being less susceptible, the respiratory tract becomes narrower and the heart failure fails. Understand that this is a life-threatening condition;, As a result, immediate treatment of the patient is necessary.

Skin allergy

Allergies are the only cause of skin allergies. Skin allergies can show symptoms such as itching, rash, or skin irritation on the patient’s skin. It is important to contact the dermatologist in this regard. The following are the different types of skin allergies.

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Fibers: Fibers, also known as rashes, show dislocation when the body or skin shows its color. The allergy causes the patient’s skin to turn red or itch and swell to the area with fibers.

Eczema: At the beginning of the disease, the skin turns red and begins to itch. In addition, small strands are made of which the material is pathogenic and the skin color is distorted.

Skin Inflammation: In this case, the skin becomes red after the attack of an external substance, or the skin begins to itch.

Neck swelling: In this case, the patient’s neck and throat are swollen or become red.

Allergic to insect bites

Honey bees, small flakes, and fire ants are insects that can cause allergies to the human body. In addition, there are some insects that do not bite but still cause allergies. These include red bags and insects found in the soil, they can cause year-round allergies and asthma.