
How to plan a corporate video

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By John Wick

Skeletons understand the value of planning corporate videos. Well-structured content not only reaches the right people but also encourages prospects to take action when they see it. Our expert will walk you through the process of developing an outline, gaining insights into your target audience, focusing on your key message, preparing specifics, and writing a video production brief.


Is it possible that you’ve heard something similar before? It isn’t an uncommon occurrence. It’s more prevalent than you may believe. You may have already encountered it. Video content isn’t the huge scary monster that a lot of digital marketers, internal comms experts, and communicators of all sorts have made it out to be.

This article will walk you through the corporate video production process step by step, with pointers for each stage so you can stop feeling intimidated and start feeling powerful and enthusiastic.


First and foremost, you must first establish your video content’s ultimate objective. like any other type of material, you cannot achieve your aim without first deciding what it is. you must decide on SMART video goals whether you want to utilize video to raise awareness of your business or encourage your employees to embrace a new internal procedure.

That means making sure your objectives are:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Time-bound.

You should also try to think of issues or problems in your company that could be resolved with video. You might like to use our free Video Objectives Template to help you sort out your goals. Finally, consider what measures of success you’ll need to track to assess how quickly you achieve them. Setting objectives if you can’t measure them is


The grasp of your target audience is critical to the success of any video project. unless you have a clear understanding of who your target audience is, what they enjoy and how they think, producing video content that appeals to and engages them will be difficult. That’s why thorough research into your target audience is so important. From there, all of the

If you’re already using personas in your marketing or communications plan, now’s the time to utilize them. Don’t just concentrate on your target audience’s demographics, such as their age and gender. What are your audience’s most pressing issues? What do they find most relevant? Conducting interviews, obtaining input, and listening to questions that your intended


Now that you’ve done a thorough study on your target audience, let’s get back to your goals. Maintain a laser focus on your objective: what action must your audience take to make it happen? This is most likely easier than you think. If your video content goal is to increase sign-ups to a free trial.


Once you’ve got your answer, you’ll need to convert it into something that your audience will want to know for them to think, feel, and act a certain way. This will become the main point of your video content. So, following on from the previous example, the core message of your video may be: our service helps you


In other words, a solid plan is critical for the success of your video. That’s a lot of pressure, but don’t get overwhelmed. Building a video strategy is comparable to developing one for any other form of marketing. There’s a lot of pressure, but don’t feel overwhelmed. unfortunately, this sort of doubt can only be allayed

If you’ve already decided to work outside of your company to create your video, a professional video firm can be brought in at the strategy stage to assist you with putting these plans into action.


Finally, before pre-production may begin, a video production brief must be written. This document will act as a road map throughout the whole production process, ensuring that nothing goes wrong.

An example of a video brief, taken from our free template. Make sure your brief contains all the key information you’ve gathered throughout the planning process. It should be as detailed as necessary without being excessively long. A competent video agency will be able to assist you in creating an effective video briefing again.



It’s time to come up with a unique approach now that you’ve taken your video brief as a point of departure. In other words, this is the video content idea or concept. For example, the inventive concept behind Dollar Shave Club’s humorous factory tour and marketing push are: watch a business founder give a humorously bad factory.

The goal is to build on your understanding of your target audience and utilize it to invent an engaging and interesting approach to presenting the main message that will help you reach your objectives. This method should begin with a large number of potential thoughts, which will be reduced to the best. Any ideas should be allowed at first, regardless of how strange or


The writing of your video’s script should be driven by the innovative approach chosen in the previous step. This is a crucial, specialist job for which an expert is preferred. After all, the script will act as a template for your video (as well as the storyboard in the next stage). Everything that makes it into the final version of the script

This area may be used to include additional precise information than the wide scope of a general goal, such as locations, actors, objects or behaviours. If you’re looking for people to perform a training scenario that’s been scripted in writing.


After the script is finished, you may also want to develop a storyboard or scamp (a roughly drawn mock-up of an idea), though this isn’t always necessary. It’s possible that being able to visualize how your video will be shot would be beneficial. Stock images, drawings, and even stock footage can all help you visualize how your video

A scamp, on the other hand, will be less likely to be followed precisely, but will rather serve as visual inspiration to shape the video’s appearance and feel. when it comes time to film a video, many simply employ a detailed script.


The last major barrier before filming can begin is preparation. Everything concerning the video’s production, from here on out, is planned and scheduled.

The bulk of your footage should be in the same format and codec as your video’s final output, which means you’ll need to resample it using a program that supports DVCPRO HD. If you’re filming on an iPhone 6s Plus or similar device, for example, you’ll have to convert it from .mov to MPEG-4



On the actual days of filming, you won’t need to be there unless you’re appearing in the video. Filming sessions should be handled by professionals. The main reason you prepare such a thorough outline and script (and storyboard) is to ensure that the director knows exactly what he or she is doing during filming. No changes are being taken

Have confidence in the director, producer, and cast members. They have a profound knowledge of their field and will produce a high-quality film.



It’s time to start editing once the filming is finished. A professional editor will be required for this step. They’ll look at numerous hours of film and select the best takes to incorporate into the final video. They’ll then cut the movie together by the script and storyboard, ensuring that your main message comes through loud and clear.

Be as brief as possible while still including all of the necessary

information. They’re trimmed in a way that makes it simple for viewers to follow the video. Are visually appealing. B-roll is used to spice up shots that go on for too long. Make sure you deliver the main point of your video brief and script interestingly. Include

You may also want to make changes or modifications during the editing process. To prevent misunderstandings, be sure to agree to this ahead of time with your editor or the video agency you’re working with. When giving feedback on your movie, be clear, detailed, and make sure everything you request is kept brief. Always provide a reasonable amount of time for your


This isn’t always the case, but you may find that you need generated graphics and other sophisticated effects to bring your video to life on occasion. With special effects, anything from a background transposed over a green screen to animated characters to graphs displaying data and figures can be produced.

One easy special effect that can add a unique touch to any video. This step may be done at the same time as editing or right after. (It is dependent on the video firm and their particular procedure.) All further graphics, on the other hand, will be carefully synchronized with the script and storyboard to ensure they seamlessly blend in with the rest



We’ve come to the end of the road. Once your video material has been shot, edited, formatted, and hosted, you may finally start promoting and distributing it. Keep in mind your core message and target audience. You’ll need to advertise your video where your target audience will see it and in a manner that makes sense for all of your content

That’s it. Now the video has been distributed to your target demographic, it’s time to evaluate the success of your entire campaign and decide whether you should move on to another strategy. Why not contact Eight Engines, to learn about how they can help you move forward with your corporate video?