Legal professionals never underestimate the importance of language in this professional field. Lawyers will use their persuasive power to defend their clients. Their communication skills are the key to the success or failure of the lawsuit. When legal affairs involve multiple languages, communication becomes more difficult. At this time, it is extremely important to seek assistance from legal translation services. juristische Übersetzer Profi Fachübersetzung provides better service in this legal translation. PROFI has a legal translator professional specialist translation service.
As legal affairs become more diversified and sophisticated, lawyers increasingly rely on language service providers (LSPs) to provide complete and correct translations. For many legal documents, including pleadings, contracts, housing deeds, case briefs, and various evidence during the evidence discovery process, certified translations are essential.
Given that language plays a very critical role in modern courts, what lawyers naturally need is a high-quality translation. In order to ensure that the LSP can provide the correct results regardless of the situation, it is necessary for you to conduct a detailed and thorough investigation beforehand. When choosing a suitable LSP for legal translation, please consider the following four elements:
1. Profound experience in legal industry translation
In the world of law, improper use of one word or word may affect the outcome of the entire case. Therefore, every word must be carefully thought out and translated accurately and correctly. However, understanding the legal terminology of a certain language is no longer a simple matter. If multiple languages are involved, things will naturally become more difficult.
For example, even words that are used daily may have completely new meanings from a legal point of view. Therefore, translators engaged in legal translation must not only understand the legal terms used in different countries/regions but also be familiar with the differences between regions, because these subtle differences may also affect the final meaning of the translation.
In the final analysis, customers should have deep confidence in their suppliers, knowing that they can directly use these translated documents in courts or administrative litigation without adding or modifying them.
2. Carefully selected qualified translators
Government agencies in each country/region have their own different standards for what translation is available. For example, in the United States, according to Article 34(a) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the translation documents that lawyers should submit on request must be in an agreeable format that can be read by the computer.
And also we know that regulation did not give us appropriate guidance to produce a certified translation. Therefore, each LSP has its own criteria for identifying what is “usable” certified translation. PROFI solution to this problem is to require every certified translation to go through several quality assurance procedures. In addition, we have also introduced a strict screening process to select each legal translator. We must ensure that these translators have the legal knowledge and related abilities, and can provide results that meet our high standards. In this way, no matter where our clients are, it is assumed that these translations were checked again and again to ensure that the meaning is correct.
Lawyers’ responsibilities are quite heavy, and they must use correct evidence and documents to provide a convincing defense for the case. LSP can help reduce some of their responsibilities. Nevertheless, not every supplier can provide the precise legal document translation services required by today’s lawyers. Therefore, when looking for a trustworthy LSP, you must do your homework and investigate in detail.
3. Translation services that can be provided quickly anytime, anywhere
Matter-related cases always count on every second. Legal agents must comply with strict deadlines, otherwise, it may cause customers to suffer serious losses.
If you can choose an efficient translation service, you don’t have to worry about missing the deadline for submitting important exhibits. The faster the LSP can translate, the sooner the lawyer can obtain the translation content needed to handle the case. Therefore, working with a language service provider who fully understands the urgency of your work will help overcome the arduous challenges of multilingual litigation.
In an ideal situation, the LSP quickly receives and accepts the job no matter when a request is made. the LSP can quickly receive and accept the job. This kind of support service that does not distinguish between day and night allows legal professionals to seek assistance at any time, no matter where they are. Global-scale is also important. If an LSP has offices around the world. It is usually easier to handle the translation of documents required by customers in specific countries/regions.
4. World-class security infrastructure and processes
In this world where the global security situation is becoming increasingly complex. People pay unprecedented attention to privacy and security, especially in the field of legal translation. Lawyers and law firms are particularly sensitive to data security and confidentiality. Because the information that the customer entrusts them to protect may be the most confidential.
And most important is the proprietary information of the customer. In order to maintain the security of the case. It is important to adopt standard and rigorous practices for communication and file handling. In addition, compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other strict data health and data security practices are also very important. A qualified LSP will have appropriate tools and infrastructure to ensure the security and confidentiality of data.