
Things You Should Keep in Mind as a Pet Parent!

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By John Wick

As a pet parent, you want to do everything possible to take care of your pet; it involves regular daily activities to make sure they stay happy and healthy. So practice these ten responsible pet care tips year after year for happy, healthy cats and dogs.

  1. Veterinary visits

Responsible pet ownership begins with regular visits to the vet. Because of their shorter lifespan than humans, your dog or cat should have an exam at least once or twice a year. Depending on your pet’s vaccination schedule, he may go more frequently when he is young, but establishing and maintaining good pet health means tracking vet visits as he ages.

Going to the vet can be, shall we say, challenging? Cats, in particular, may be reluctant to leave the comfort of their home, but there are ways to reduce stress for both of you. It is good practice to acclimate your cat to its cage when it is a kitten.

  1. Vaccination

Vaccinating your pets is an essential part of responsible pet care. Soon after welcoming your new pet into your home, make an appointment for the vaccination. The vet will set up a vaccination schedule for your little puppy or kitten to protect them from the disease on your first visit. Puppy vaccinations should be given to your puppies early.

Please speak to your veterinarian when it is convenient to schedule that visit at your first appointment. They help prevent diseases such as rabies, Lyme disease, and distemper. Cats benefit from vaccines that prevent the feline herpes virus, feline leukaemia and rabies. If you have adopted an adult or senior animal, make sure it is immune. Vaccinations need to be renewed and are not just for young pets.

  1. Correct Identification

If the unthinkable happens and your little guy or girl gets lost – young people, in particular, are prone to rushing out the door – proper identification is the key to a happy ending. Start with the basics: a secure collar and a tag that contains all of your contact information. Besides an identification tag, it is advisable to microchip your pet, as there is always a risk that a collar will fall off.

A combination of these forms of identification will go a long way in reuniting you with your beloved pet, but only if you keep your contact details up to date. Change your information stored with the microchip if you have a change of address or phone number.

  1. Sterilisation

Spaying your pet prevents a host of health problems, including complicated pregnancies, and reduces the number of homeless pets. Spaying your cat (by removing the uterus and ovaries) significantly reduces her risk of cervical cancer, eliminates the risk of ovarian cancer and prevents her from having “heat”.

This minimises the risk of her straying away from the house searching for a mate, and any nearby male cats will be less aggressive. In addition, sterilising your puppy will help reduce aggression and wandering around the neighbourhood and prevent him from getting testicular cancer. Finally, since spaying is a surgical procedure that requires general anaesthesia, your pet will probably spend the night at the vet for at least one night for observation and recovery.

  1. Healthy Eating

Two elements of responsible pet ownership are providing pets with fresh, cool water and healthy food at all times. As for your pet dog you would also wonder what type of food is good for the digestive system of a dog. The right pet food will enrich your best friend’s life, providing them with the energy and nutrients they need. With so many meal options to choose from, it can be intimidating, but you can become a fan in no time by learning about the essential ingredients and how they help your puppy or kitten.

If you take a quick look around your house, you can probably tell that every (human) family member is covered by health insurance; be it you, your parents, your children, or even your grandparents. But have you ever considered purchasing pet health insurance?

Like regular health insurance, pet insurance is intended to cover your pet’s veterinary costs in the event of an accident or health problems. But if these are just probable one-off events, is there a need for pet health insurance?

Every parent must go for pet health insurance. However, it can be done later in life as well. So compare policies and choose what is suitable for your pup based on its needs and your lifestyle.