On-page SEO Guide Rank Any Website on 1st Page of Google in 2021

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By Admin Desk

What is On Page SEO?

On-page SEO is the practice of optimizing individual web pages in order to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic in search engines. On-page refers to both the content and HTML source code of a page that can be optimized, as opposed to off-page SEO which refers to links and other external signals.

On Page SEO Guide for Beginners

Things you need to do ON Page SEO

  1. Content With Images
  2. Targeted Keywords
  3. Yoast or any other SEO plug inn

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1: Quality and Unique Content with Images

For better ranking and for best user experience you need to write high quality and user-friendly content for your website or blog. You need to post only original and unique content on your website. Google doesn’t rank copy-paste content. There are some free tools available that can be used to check is there your content is a copy or original these tools are called plagiarism checker tools some of the most famous plagiarism checker tools are as follows.

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  • Prepostseo
  • Plagiarism detector
  • Quetext
  • DupliChecker
  • EduBirdie
  • Grammarly
  • Plagiarisma
  • Copyscape

If you want to check grammar mistakes in your content have a look at this grammar check tool. It is the best tool to check grammar mistakes in your blog posts.

You need to write 1500 to 1800 words in a post and you just need to explain whatever you are writing. Choose such a topic to write in which you are an expert on what you have very much knowledge and can write useful information about that topic. You need to use copyright free and high-quality images in your post for better on-page SEO. You can download copyright-free pictures from the following free images providing websites.

  • Pixabay
  • Freepik
  • Canva

2: Keywords – Targeted Keywords

You need to do keyword research about that topic that you have chosen to write a post on it. Keyword research is very important for any kind of website or blog without keywords your content will not rank on google. You need to do keyword research before writing any post on any topic. There are hundreds of free keyword planners or keyword research tools are available on the internet. Here are the top 17 free keyword research tools.

  • Answerthepublic
  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Keyworddit
  • Keywordssheeter
  • Metaglossary
  • Ubbersuggest
  • keywordkeg
  • seochat
  • Hypersuggest
  • Solve
  • Isigraph
  • Keywordtooldominator
  • Kwfinder
  • Keywordtool
  • Nichelaboratory

Some Paid and most famous keyword research tools are as follow.

  • Ahref
  • MOZ
  • SEMrush

You can choose any of the above keyword tools for keyword research for your website or blog and can do better on-page SEO of your website if you have the best keywords.

3: Yoast SEO Plug Inn

Yoast is a free WordPress SEO plug inn. It is one of the best SEO plug inn. You can use this for on page SEO of your blog. You can use this to write Meta title, Meta Description, and Meta tags. There is some other SEO Plug inn are also available that are as follows.

  • All in One SEO tool
  • RankMath

The above three are the most important thing for on page SEO.

ON Page SEO Checklist 2021

1.       Use targeted keyword and secondary keyword in the post title
2.       Make Post URL short and clean and use the main keyword in it
3.       Use your primary keyword in the first and last paragraph of the post
4.       Primary Keyword density should be 0.5%
5.       The density of secondary keyword should be 0.2 to 0.5%
6.       Use keyword in one or more subheadings
7.       Use the targeted keyword as Alt Tag in the first image
8.       Use the primary and secondary keyword in the meta title
9.       Try to use all keywords in the meta description
10.   Use shorter paragraph
11.   Use H1 to H6  headings in your post
12.   Use different colors to highlight your main keywords
13.   Use internal linking
14.   Add high quality external links according to post demand
15.   Use social share buttons in your post
16.   Improve page speed
17.   Improve bounce rate
18.   Make post page amp


That’s it about on page SEO. Keep in mind all the above important on page SEO checklist while writing a post on your website. On Page SEO is very important for any website to get ranking on the first page of google. Use the above techniques and write quality content on your website use copyright-free images and use the best plug inn for on page SEO. By doing all the above important things your post will rank very easily.

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