
Canadian Rosie Gabrielle Converted to Islam

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By Admin Desk

Canadian Rosie Gabrielle Converted to Islam

Leading Canadian motorcyclist and travel blogger Rosie Gabriel covered Islam.
On social networking site Instagram, Rosie uploaded the Quran with her verified account in hand and announced a change of religion.


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I CONVERTED to ISLAM☪️ . What lead me to this Big decision? . As I mentioned previously, this last year was one of the hardest in my life, and all life’s challenges have led me to this point here and now. From a young child, I’ve always had a unique connection with creation and special relationship to God. My path was far from easy and I carried a lot of anger in my heart from a lifetime of pain, always begging God, why me? Until ultimately coming to the conclusion that all is meant to be, and even my suffering is a gift. . Never resonating with what I was brought up with, I denounced my religion 4 years ago, going down a deep path of spiritual discovery.Exploration of self, and the great Divine. I never let go the sight of the Creator, in fact, my curiosity and connection only grew stronger. Now no longer dictated by fear, I was able to fully explore this righteous path. . As time passed, the more I experienced, the more I witnessed the true nature and calling for my life. I wanted to be free. Free of the pain and shackles that was hell. Liberation from the anger, hurt and misalignment. I wanted peace in my heart, forgiveness and the most profound connection with all. And thus started my journey. . The universe brought me to Pakistan, not only to challenge myself to let go of the last remaining traces of pain and ego, but also to show me the way. . Through kindness,& humbled grace of the people I met along my pilgrimage, inspired my heart to seek further. Living in a Muslim country for 10 + years and traveling extensively through these regions, I observed one thing; Peace. A kind of peace that one can only dream of having in their hearts. . Unfortunately Islam is one of the most misinterpreted and criticized religions world wide. And like all religions, there are many interpretations. But, the core of it, the true meaning of Islam, is PEACE, LOVE & ONENESS. It’s not a religion, but a way of life. The life of humanity, humility and Love. . For me, I was already technically a “Muslim”. My Shahada was basically a re-dedication of my life to the path of Oneness, connection and Peace through the devotion of God. If you have any Q’s comment below

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Rosie wrote in her long caption that 2019 was the most difficult year of her life in which she made many difficult decisions.  She wrote that she faced many challenges in her life. She wrote that I have always complained to God in my life of distress and anger, ‘Why am I tempted? She wrote: ‘I discovered the solution to my fears in spirituality and moved away from my religion 4 years ago.

Roise Gabrielle Becomes Muslim

The blogger wrote that I wanted to get rid of anger and distress in my life that Nature sent me to Pakistan where I got my destination. She wrote that for the last 10 years I have spent in the Muslim world and what I found most important here was peace. Unfortunately, Islam is misrepresented in the world, Rosie wrote.


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AIK ALLAH . . A question I get asked a lot here in Pakistan is, are you MUSLIM? . My response….. . With my hand on my heart, and one finger pointed to the sky, I say, “Aik Allah” (One God) With a giant smile on their face, there is a deep understanding and respect. Islam is about peace, love and equality. And there is a general understanding for Muslims that there is only One God, we just all choose to follow differently. And that’s okay ! The purpose of religion is to guide us to our highest selves, deepening our relationship with God, our earth and and every being. Giving us guidelines in order to get there and to fulfill our spiritual path. So whatever it is you believe in order to get there, that is beautiful ???? it’s your path, it’s your journey. So long as we all love and accept one another living in peace and community, how we get there is irrelevant. I’ve been to all nations and seen all religions, and all are beautiful in their own way. For me personally, I choose to have no religion at all. I live to follow my life how God would want me to follow. To Love, accept and respect all. I see him in everything and everyone. For me, there is no limitations. God, Divine, is the essence of all humanity. Some people may say, “but you can’t see God, how do you believe in something that isn’t there?” My reply: there is nowhere that I do not see Him. I see God in the ocean, the sunsets, the animals, the child and the elder. I even see Him in the person who hurts me. I believe to walk this path as pure heartily and full of Love as I can, for it’s my own condemnation and separation from self and God if I don’t. I’m on a continuous path of deepening my relationship with Divine connection and letting go of ego and all that holds me back from becoming my highest self. . So, whatever it is you believe, if it brings you closer of ONENESS, Love and equality. That is beautiful ???? we are all on this planet and journey together. We all suffer, love, and need something to believe in. So let’s all lift eachother up, support eachother in this magnificent adventure we call life, and get excited for one another. Unite as a whole and let LOVE conquer all

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Rosie said that the true meaning of Islam is peace, humanity and equality. Rosie said that I am now officially a Muslim. At the end of her post, he told her fans that if they had any questions in this regard, they could comment and ask.