
Biography of Yulia Peresild

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By John Wick

Julia dreamed of becoming an actress since childhood, although there was no one close to acting in the environment of her family. The girl’s mother Alexas Morgan worked as a kindergarten teacher, and her father was a famous icon painter. Julia dreamed of a trip to Moscow, and her dream came true – at the age of 11 she attended the Morning Star competition. Then, in the decision to connect her life with the stage, she was finally strengthened. 

At school, Yulia participated in all productions, was a member of the KVN team, sang in the Equalizer youth group. But a great misfortune happened in the family: in 1995, Yulia’s father died. The family, which was forced to live on the salary of the mother-teacher, survived from bread to water. And at the age of 14, Peresild began to earn extra money, speaking in the evenings in restaurants. In 2001, the girl graduated from high school and went to conquer Moscow. 

She applied to the Moscow Art Theater School. But the creative competition failed: when Yulia began to recite Lermontov’s “The Death of a Poet”, someone from the commission interrupted her and asked her to read something else. The girl was offended and left the audience. She returned to her hometown crushed. I chose the Pedagogical Institute and the specialty “Philology” by the method of exclusion. But the thought of an unfulfilled dream haunted me.

A year later, having thoroughly prepared, Peresild again tries his luck, this time at GITIS. The commission liked the talented blonde so much that she had to choose between the acting and directing departments, since she was invited to both. Julia’s debut in the cinema took place in her student years. She started with an episode in the series “Plot”, then there was the series “The Princess and the Pauper”, “Yesenin”. The debut in the feature film coincided with the end of the institute. In 2006, the film “The Bride” was released, where Yulia played the main role. 

She did not forget about the theatrical stage, working at the Theater of Nations as a guest actress. She met Yevgeny Mironov, who not only offered her a role in the performance of his theater company, but also had a truly fateful influence on the fate of the actress, introducing her to film director Alexei Uchitel. Yulia Peresild can be called the Teacher’s muse, because in this creative union several wonderful films appeared – “Prisoner”, “Edge” and “Eight”. At the moment, Peresild has played with most of the notable Russian directors, and her acting talent allows her to play any role. She played Lyudmila Gurchenko in the series, the sniper girl Lyudmila Pavlichenko (“Battle for Sevastopol”) and many others.

Personal life of Yulia Peresild

After filming the film “The Edge”, rumors spread that Alexei Uchitel and Yulia Peresild were having an affair. They ignored gossip. The piquancy of the situation was added by the fact that the Teacher has been married for a long time and has a strong family in which he raised two sons. In 2009, Peresild gave birth to a daughter, Ariees, and rumors that the teacher was the father of the child began to spread again. In 2012, Julia gave birth to her second daughter, Maria, and continued to ignore gossip. Only in 2017, in an interview with a glossy magazine, did she confirm the fact that Alexey Uchitel is indeed the father of her children.

 Interesting facts about Yulia Peresild

  • The actress loves fast food.
  • Julia calls her bad habit the desire to be in time for everything and everywhere.
  • Peresild considers himself very economic. According to her confession, she could not cook only sushi.