
Ayurvedic Eye Hospital for Talk About Ways to Protect Your Eyes

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By John Wick

Ayurvedic Eye Hospital for Talk About Ways to Protect Your Eyes .

The eyes are at least one of the most, if not the most, sensitive human body organs. It is with these two windows that we view the entire world. They are our gateway to the rest of the world. Therefore, it is only right that we must take care of these sensitive organs very diligently. Even the slightest mistake can have serious outcomes that could ruin our lives.

Of course, technology has advanced to the extent that eyes are replaceable nowadays. However, such replacement operations only happen under certain conditions. Many factors must match before a person can donate his eye to someone else. If those factors do not match, the doctors can do nothing to cure your eye problem. With the advent of the modern Ayurvedic Eye Hospital, there are still other avenues open. Thus, many options are open to you in this day and age.

Nevertheless, instead of thinking about what could be done in case some misfortune befalls your eyes, it is better to think about how you can care for your eyes. In this article, you will learn how to do so in Ayurvedic ways.

Ways to Protect Your Eyes

Here we will look at some of the best and foolproof methods to take care of your eyes:

  1. Protection from Sunlight

This is the oldest lesson in the book, which perhaps everyone knows but doesn’t necessarily follow. Sunlight is a great enemy of your eyes, so one should always shield oneself from the sunlight. Sunlight is extremely damaging to your eyes, even according to prominent Ayurvedic texts.

Anyone who has tried to look at the sun even for a second knows how hurtful it is. Your eye immediately gets completely blackened, and you cannot see anything. A doctor practicing in an Ayurvedic Eye Hospital prescribes that you completely block the sunlight at all times in modern times due to exposure to UV rays that weren’t present in earlier times. Therefore, always take good care of your eyes and protect them from sunlight to have long-lasting eyesight.

  1. Protection from Dust

As per a famed Ayurvedic Eye Hospital, our eyes must also be protected from dust particles. Dust particles might seem minute, but with time they cause long-lasting damage. These particles gradually tear the optical tissue as they rub against the delicate layers of the eye. Even though some dirt getting in your eye might not seem a major issue initially, it is detrimental in the long run. Doctors prescribe that you wash your eyes at least once every hour to remove any minuscule dust particles that might be trapped inside.

Ayurvedic Ways to Take Care Of Your Eyes

Best Ayurvedic eye hospital Doctor in India 1

        1. Practice of Trataka

The practice of Trataka, according to a famous Ayurvedic Eye Hospital, can work wonders for the health of your eye. Trataka essentially means the practice of staring at something. All you need to do is to light a cotton wick dipped in ghee or clarified butter and light a lamp with that. One must close all other light sources when it is lit and stare at the light. Preferably, one must do this at an angle of 30 degrees for the best results. This will help increase the strength of your optic muscles and improve the eye’s luster.

The light of a ghee lamp is just the perfect amount of brightness so that it won’t hurt your eye muscles. Just as we train at a gym to build our muscles, this exercise will help improve our optic muscles.

        2. Ayurvedic Herbs

According to a well-known Ayurvedic Eye Hospital, there are a lot of Ayurvedic herbs that can work wonders for the health of your eye. Among them are Amla and Triphala, well-known herbs for the gut. However, they can work wonders for the health of your eyes as well. Soak them overnight in water and consume them on an empty stomach early in the morning for the best results. It will help to improve the health of your gut and liver and improve your eyesight as well.

Live a Healthy Life With Healthy Eyes

Thus, having healthy eyesight is crucial to living a long and quality life. Without your eyes, one cannot attain the quality of life that one would have otherwise. We experience the world for the first time through our eyes. If you are a family man, you must retain your eyesight to look after your family. If that is gone, you will become a burden on your family, and they will have to take responsibility.

Therefore, use these tips and practice them regularly. Get your eye checkup done at a reputed Ayurvedic Eye Hospital. Your eyes will gain a shine to them, and you won’t need any assistance even till a ripe old age.


Use these tips and practice them regularly. Get your eye checkup done at a reputed Ayurvedic Eye Hospital. Your eyes will gain a shine to them, and you won’t need any assistance even till a ripe old age.