A Lookout on How to find influencers for your brand

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By John Wick

Diving into the world of influencers comes with tremendous rewards & risks. When you enter this world as a brand, you look out for the influencers who can give your successful brand wings. But, here, we need to understand that influencers are a brand in themselves. When it comes to your marketing, it requires a clear message to portray. Influencers are showcasing your brand in front of their followers, and this targeting can be a clear & precise strategy.

The moment you decide to opt for influencer marketing for your brand, it requires spare time to only work on your mission & vision. Check whether this mission & vision are going parallel to each other or not. You need to figure out the brand values that should deliver and how your message reaches the right audience. In all this, a buyer and an influencer persona are required to take further steps when it comes to how to find Influencers for your brand. The primary thing that plays a crucial role in all of these is the right influencer. To make sure there is zero difference between the marketing material & the landing page. If these two are going in a different direction, there are maximum chances of a marketing campaign failing. As we cannot control what the influencer will create, it’s better to keep an eye on and give your guidance.

While hunting for an influencer, don’t forget to watch your competitor, as you never know what rivalry the competitor takes. You can simply get your hands on competition tracking tools for this practice. These tools make the job easy of keeping an eye on, and you get to have an idea of sentiment analysis, audience likings/dislikings, and their new launches. Following your competitors, you can keep yourself updated on the choice of influencers they are planning.

Overall, when working with an influencer, we need to keep ourselves in their shoes to understand their metrics. Also, we cannot abandon that the influencers are a brand, and they have the strength to seek success with their mindset. So, these social media metrics should be considered:

  1. Content with a meaning – Just for the sake of the brand promotion, we can’t ask an influencer to post anything. The post design, the social media copy and the brand value should be available with a strong meaning. Also, the post should be conversational to drive engagement.
  2. Check credibility – Sit with the influencer and check the credible content to make a mark in the industry. Meanwhile, the influencer you’ve picked is knowledgeable enough to talk about your brand and the industry. You can check the knowledge of the influencer by having an eye on their past comment threads and the posts for other brands.
  3. Choose Engagement – Any influencer marketing campaign is incomplete without gaining engagement. Everything from the choice of influencer to the post content should generate enough engagement. For instance, if you have picked an influencer posting DIY interior design tips and are a home decor brand. Then look, is the influencer capable of bringing engagement for your brand. Considering you are selling home decor items. You can check this by scrolling through the past posts of the influencer.
  4. Relevancy of the audience – The relevancy of the audience matters. But, with influencer marketing, you want to increase your customer base. By looking into the comment section, you can check how the influencer’s audience interacts with the branded content. You also need to check the positive & negative comments by the audience.

Next comes the objectives you want to seek with your marketing campaign that is listed below:

  • Generation of the leads
  • A word about your brand
  • Successful audience building
  • Engagement
  • Generation of sales
  • The loyalty of the customers

The main thing without which all the above information is incomplete and not attainable is finding influencers for your brand. These are the steps that need to be followed:

  1. Understand your own goals
  2. Choose the influencer campaign
  3. Search for influencers in your industry
  4. Look for influencers promoting your competitors
  5. The audience that has a similar audience base to yours
  6. Come across the authority of the influencer
  7. Measure the goals

In a nutshell!

You will find influencers who have a presence, maybe on a single platform. So, it’s essential first to understand which social media platform you want to find influencers on. Here, you need to think about the content you want to post when running a campaign. If thinking of running a campaign via videos, it’s best to go for YouTube & Instagram. Otherwise, if the search seems like a hectic task as it only requires so many parameters, it’s advisable to choose tools. Many tools are available to find influencers with all the information available on a single screen.