
Cocaine Withdrawal and Cocaine Detox Programs in Houston, Texas

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By Kaleem Bhatti


Cocaine Addiction and Withdrawal  

Cocaine is a highly addictive stimulant substance that may have positive and negative effects on the user. Positive benefits include heightened focus and energy, while negative ones include paranoia, hypertension, agitation, and even death. Regular cocaine users risk developing a physical reliance on the drug, which may manifest as unpleasant withdrawal symptoms if they try to reduce their intake. Some of the potential withdrawal symptoms of cocaine use include:

Strong urge to use cocaine.

  • Anxiety.
  • Paranoia.
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Delusions
  • Increased appetite
  • Having trouble focusing on tasks at hand.
  • Lack of motivation

Determinants of the Severity of Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms

Several variables affect how intense cocaine withdrawal symptoms will be. Examples of some of these elements are: 

  • If there are any other drugs added to the cocaine.
  • The intensity and frequency of the application.
  • Having more than one mental health condition at once.
  • Cocaine administration technique.

Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms Timeline

Cocaine withdrawal symptoms may last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Cocaine withdrawal may start anywhere from a few hours to a few days after your last use and can continue anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.  Cocaine addicts often suffer significant withdrawal symptoms during the first few days after they stop using the drug. After this, fewer symptoms often set in and last for another week or two. Milder withdrawal signs might include cravings, weariness, anxiety, and inability to focus. 

Several weeks after quitting cocaine, withdrawal symptoms may still be present. Cocaine withdrawal may cause many uncomfortable feelings, from cravings to nightmares to depression to paranoia. Chronic withdrawal may last from a few weeks to months, depending on how long and how much cocaine was used.

Cocaine Withdrawal and Medical Detoxification

Medical detox is a therapy option that makes withdrawal as safe and comfortable as possible by removing harmful substances from the body. Detoxification from drugs or alcohol is the first phase of a longer treatment process known as the continuum of care. Our medical detox center in Houston, Texas, provides 24-hour inpatient care, with personnel on hand to observe signs of severe withdrawal and provide appropriate medication if necessary. People detoxing from many substances at once, such as cocaine and alcohol, may benefit greatly from a medical detox. Medical detox involves a thorough evaluation of the patient’s usage history, screening for numerous drugs, and close monitoring and treatment of any withdrawal symptoms. To further aid in one’s rehabilitation, medically supervised detox may assist set the stage for further therapy. After detox, most people who struggle with addiction enroll in an intensive inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation program where they are taught coping mechanisms, relapse prevention techniques, and the negative beliefs and behaviors that contribute to their addiction. 

Contact The Best Cocaine Detox Center in Houston, Texas

Maintaining a cocaine-free lifestyle is easiest when surrounded by others who don’t use drugs. It is suggested that anybody who suspects they may have a substance abuse issue or addiction get help at an inpatient or outpatient facility. The severity of the abuse will dictate the optimal program time. When someone has exhausted all other options for quitting, inpatient therapy may be the best option. However, attending an outpatient program and group meetings is recommended for anybody who is actively attempting to remain sober and wants to maintain a normal daily schedule.

Help is available if you or a loved one is battling cocaine addiction. Contact Mallard Lake Detox Center’s online team of experts to learn more about the side effects and impacts of cocaine.