Home Improvement

4 Silent Signs Your House Has a Major Electrical Problem

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By Admin Desk

Keeping your place safe from electrical fire should be your top priority as a homeowner. The National Fire Protection Association claims that electrical distribution accounts for about 10 percent of reported home fires every year. Awareness and preparation are keys to protecting your family and home from the devastation of the fire.

To reduce the risk of an electrical fire in your home, you should keep watch of these 4 telltale signs:

Flickering lights

Do not ignore flickering or blinking lights in your home. You can try fixing the problem on your own when it is caused by a faulty switch or dimmer, loose light plug, or faulty light bulbs. However, in some cases, flickering lights can be the result of outdated wiring connections, which is the leading cause of house fires. That will require the special skills of a licensed electrical contractor to fix so make the call for hiring a residential electrician in Milton.

Burning smell

A persistent burning smell is one of the obvious signs of a major electrical problem. If you notice this at home, try locating the source of the smell and shut-off the power to that area. Regardless if the smell disappears or not, make sure to call your local emergency electrician to inspect your home electrical system.

Hot outlets

Are there electrical outlets in your home that feel too hot to touch? If yes, you should contact the pros to help identify the problem and fix it right away. One of the reasons your outlet is getting too hot is circuit overload. According to the Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI), overloaded electrical circuits are the major causes of house fires. Minimizing the use of extension cords or multi-outlet converters and adding outlets to your home can help you prevent risky electrical overloads.

Blown fuse

A blown fuse is a normal occurrence in a home. However, if it becomes a recurring issue, you should report it right away to your local electrician. An outlet that has a blown fuse can easily start a fire. Thus, it should be replaced right away.

Call for an emergency electrical repair

It is not safe to troubleshoot electrical problems on your own. Make a wise decision and call for a professional electrical repair. Do you need electrical repairs done at home? Waste no time and book the service of a reputable electrical company near you!