Home Improvement

What The Best Outdoor Boiler Pumps Do, And How To Choose Them

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By Kaleem Bhatti

When you’re thinking about installing a wood boiler, the first thing you need to do is figure out what type of pump will be required for the operation. This blog article shares information on the best outdoor boiler pumps, and how to choose them to make sure that you have a system that can work for years.

What is the best type of boiler pump to buy?

There are a few things to consider when purchasing an outdoor boiler pump. The type of boiler the pump is used with, the size of the pump, and how frequently it will be used are all important factors. 

Boiler pumps come in two main types: vertical and horizontal water pumps. Vertical pumps are designed to move large volumes of water up or down a pipe, while horizontal pumps are designed to move water back and forth across a surface. Horizontal pumps are generally smaller and more portable, making them better for small applications. 

The type of boiler you’re using the pump with is also important. For example, if you have a gas boiler, you’ll need a gas-fired boiler pump. If you have an electric boiler, you’ll need an electric-powered boiler pump. 

Finally, how often the pump will be used is a factor to consider. Boiler pumps that are used regularly will last longer than ones that aren’t used as often. However, if the pump is only going to be used occasionally, it may not be worth the extra money to buy a high-quality one.

How do you know if a boiler pump works?

When you need to replace your boiler pump, there are a few things you should consider. First, you will want to decide if the boiler pump is internal or external. An external boiler pump is typically placed outside of the home and powers the heating unit. An internal boiler pump is usually located inside of the home and powers the water heater or furnace. 

Next, you will want to decide what type of boiler pump you need. There are two main types of boilers: stationary boilers and circulating boilers. A stationary boiler does not require a pump, while a circulating boiler requires a pump to circulate water throughout its system. 

After you have decided what type of boiler pump you need, you will need to decide what size pump you need. Boiler pumps come in different sizes, ranging from 1/2 horsepower up to 100 horsepower. Most boilers only require a 1/2 horsepower or 3 horsepower pump, but some larger systems may require a 10 horsepower or 20 horsepower pump. Once you have determined your needs, you can find a compatible pump online or at your local hardware store.

Which pump is right for the job?

There are many factors to consider when choosing an outdoor boiler pump, including the specific needs of the installation, the size of the pump, and the type of fluid being circulated. Here are a few tips to help you choose the right pump for your project:

  1. Consider the installation. The pump must be able to handle the necessary volume and pressure requirements of the installation. If there is a risk of flooding or damage due to high pressures, a high-pressure pump may be necessary.
  2. Size matters. The size of the pump is also important; smaller pumps will require more frequent maintenance than larger ones.
  3. Type of fluid. Boiler pumps are available in both electric and gas varieties; choose one that best suits your needs. Electric pumps operate using electricity from a power source, while gas pumps use either natural gas or propane fuel.

How long will a pump last?

When it comes to choosing the right outdoor boiler pump, you want to make sure that you get one that is going to last for a long time. Here are some factors to consider when selecting an outdoor pump: 

-The pump’s power: It is important to choose a pump with the power necessary to move the water and heat around your boiler.

-The pump’s design: Make sure that the pump has a durable construction so that it can handle the stress of use over time.

-The pump’s warranty: It is important to have a warranty on your pump in case something goes wrong with it.

When should you replace your boiler pump?

If you live in a cold climate, your boiler pump will probably need to be replaced after approximately 10 years of use. If your boiler is in a warm climate, it may last up to 20 years without needing replacement. Boiler pumps are not typically covered by warranties, so it’s important to replace them when they start to show signs of wear or when they no longer function properly.

When should you replace your boiler pump?

-If your boiler is in a cold climate OR if the pump has been running for 10 years or more

-If the pump makes strange noises or starts making weird smells,

-If the water coming out of the boiler is cold or has chunks in it; -If your boiler pressure has dropped significantly (less than 10 psi). The easiest way to tell if you need a new pump is to remove the cover, look around the inner workings of the boiler, and see if any parts appear to be wearing down or damaged. If you don’t have a way to check pressure, then you will probably need a new pump. Generally speaking, it’s best to take out both pumps so that they can be fully inspected and determine which one needs replacement. As an additional piece of advice, if your boiler is still under warranty, there’s no reason for it not to be replaced in its entirety at the same time as your heating system. After all, it’s usually installed on site by a professional.


When you are looking to buy an outdoor boiler pump, there are a few things you need to take into account. The type of pump, the power output, and the warranty all play a part in determining which one is the best for your needs. I’ve outlined each of these factors in this article so that you can make an informed decision when shopping for an outdoor boiler pump.