
symptoms of kidney failure

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By Admin Desk

The most dangerous kidney disease is when the organ stops functioning, and each year millions of deaths occur worldwide. This was revealed in a UK medical study. According to research, kidney function is affected by aging. But hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, and kidney stones play an important role in increasing the risk of kidney failure.

According to research, kidney failure is the last stage of these diseases. The NHS study further states that kidney failure is the result of the severity of other organ diseases, and even minor diseases of the organ can increase the risk of serious problems such as blood artery disease.

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Blood artery problems such as heart attack and stroke are the leading cause of death for kidney diseases. The symptoms of kidney failure have also been mentioned during the research. According to research, when urine bleeds, it is serious kidney disease. Fatigue, ankle swelling, shortness of breath and nausea are other symptoms.

During this illness, the urine starts to become more urinary than usual and may have a darker complexion or a very bad odor. According to research, one in five men and one in every four women increase their risk in middle age. EPO is found effective in the treatment of kidney disease; epo for sale online.

6 silent symptoms of kidney disease

Kidneys are like anonymous heroes in our bodies that excrete waste and excess material. While also controlling salt, potassium and acid levels. Which keeps blood pressure normal, increasing the amount of vitamin D in the body. And the red blood cells also stay on a balanced level.

But kidney diseases can be quite traumatic and even fatal. The symptoms of kidney damage are quite obvious. However, as long as people pay attention to them, much damage has been done. Many times the kidneys are almost gone even if the symptoms do not appear. So controlling blood sugar and blood pressure is the best way to prevent it.

However, knowing the silent symptoms of kidney failure can also save lives.  You need to consult a doctor as soon as kidney failure symptoms appear.

Here are the 6 silent symptoms of kidney disease…

1: Swelling and weight gain

The kidney function is to remove the garbage from the body in the form of urine or urine. If the kidneys do not slow down or function, the fluid begins to accumulate in the body. As a result of a permanent swelling of parts of the body such as feet.

2: Low urine

The kidneys excrete most of the garbage in the form of urine, and if there is a problem with this organ, the urine usually begins to diminish, which may be a sign of kidney failure.

3: Too much fatigue or drowsiness

Kidney functions also include regulating an individual’s hemoglobin levels, when this process is affected, there is a loss of blood resulting in loss of physical energy and you may experience excessive fatigue or drowsiness at all times.

4: Loss of desire, nausea or difficulty thinking

These problems arise when the debris begins to accumulate in the body rather than being released from the body and affecting other parts of the body such as the gastrointestinal and brain.

5: High blood pressure

In case if the kidneys are damaged. They can not control blood pressure effectively. As a result, the blood pressure increases in arteries. This will further weaken the arteries and will cause more damage to kidneys.

6: Heart failure

In the case of kidney failure, the amount of potassium starts to increase in the body. Which results in an unusually rapid increase in heart rate.

How to prevent kidney diseases?

According to a medical study in the UK, using the right amount of water throughout the day can reduce the risk of death from kidney disease. According to research, the kidneys are unable to filter the toxic material in the blood as a result of severe water deficiency and the accumulated waste causes kidney failure.

The survival of such individuals depends on kidney transplantation. Research shows that eliminating dehydration is the simplest way to protect against kidney diseases, especially for middle-aged people.

Research shows that if a person has symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, gastrointestinal distress, mental stress, and dizziness. He might have symptoms of kidney disease.

It is very important to aware of people of kidney diseases. Because this disease causes millions of deaths every year.