
Steps to Successfully Plug Into a School Laptop Program

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By Admin Desk

When schools become fully committed to in-person learning once again, most need to consider how to keep technology in the hands of students effectively. For some schools and districts, implementing a full-fledged laptop program based on-campus can be a daunting process. Taking a systematic approach, as outlined below, will create the best chances for success at enacting a computer-learning model that works.

Do Your Supplier Homework

The vendors with which you work can make the difference between a rewarding process or one that gives you a continual headache. An established audio-visual company that coordinates and supplies a far-ranging inventory of audio visual products will likely have the big-picture mindset to back you up. If your technical needs are complicated or yours is a large district, youthful enthusiasm will not make up for what experience can mean to problem-solve issues.

Create Structure

Take the necessary time to write up reasonable and precise policy guidelines that will work for your institution. Coordinate the effort with input from teachers as well as technical staff. Document inventory carefully and include checkout and ownership procedures. Form maintenance and software update steps that work with the academic schedule.

Prepare Staff and Students

Every second count when trying to get through a full curriculum before year’s end. Don’t let this mindset get in the way of upfront training, however. Spend the time necessary to ensure that teachers, technology coordinators, and students know how to use computers and tablets both on your institutional network and at home. When teachers gain the skills to perform quick troubleshooting on the fly, fewer lessons will become bogged down because of technology failures.

Read Also: 6 Ways to Extend Laptop Battery Life

For schools that recently took ownership of online learning, some lessons learned can transfer to in-person academics in the coming school years. Ideally, yours has documented positive steps and momentary failures for the future application. If so, your ongoing or new laptop and tablet school program can be a smart success.