Many people aren’t aware of the benefits of CPAP lawsuit lawyers, and how they can help you win big when it comes to your case against Philips. Philips, like many other companies, is required to follow certain regulations when it comes to the design and manufacture of its products. If they don’t, then they may be held liable for any injuries or fatalities that occur as a result of using their products.
A CPAP lawsuit lawyer will have experience dealing with cases like yours, and will know exactly how to help if you’re the victim of a defective CPAP machine by Philips. Below are some of the many reasons you should consider getting legal help when filing your lawsuit against Philips.
A Lawyer Will Help Determine Your Eligibility
If you’re new to the world of filing lawsuits, then you may not know if you actually have a case against Philips. A CPAP lawsuit lawyer will help determine whether or not you’re eligible to file a claim against Philips, and will also help gather evidence to support your case.
For starters, they can help you understand if your machine is on the recall list, and if it’s responsible for any issues you might be experiencing.
To date, the machines included on the Philips recall list include:
Continuous Ventilator, Non-life Supporting
- DreamStation ASV
- DreamStation ST, AVAPS
- SystemOne ASV4
- C-Series ASV
- C-Series S/T and AVAPS
- OmniLab Advanced+
Noncontinuous Ventilator
- SystemOne (Q-Series)
- DreamStation
- DreamStation Go
- Dorma 400
- Dorma 500
- REMstar SE Auto
If you’re not sure if your machine is on the recall list, then a CPAP lawsuit lawyer can help.
A Lawyer Can Help You Gather Evidence
If you have a case against Philips, then you’re going to need evidence to support your claim. This is where a CPAP lawsuit lawyer can come in handy. They have the resources and experience necessary to help you gather the evidence you need to win your case.
Some of the evidence they can help you gather includes:
- Medical records: According to the FDA, there are various negative symptoms associated with using Philips CPAP machines, such as headaches, dizziness, cancers, and kidney problems. If you have medical records that show you’ve suffered from any of these symptoms, then they can be used as evidence in your case.
- Eye witness accounts: If you have family or friends who can attest to the fact that you’ve suffered from the negative effects of using a Philips CPAP machine, then their testimony can be used as evidence.
- Photos and videos: If you have any photos or videos of the injuries you’ve suffered as a result of using a Philips CPAP machine, then they can be used as evidence. In addition, if you have photos of the toxic debris left behind by polyurethane foam in the machine, this could also help prove your case.
A Lawyer Can Help Prove Negligence
Shocking reports show that Philips knew their machines were defective and the polyurethane was toxic as far back as 2015. In fact, they even received emails from manufacturing partners about the dangers of using the machines.
Despite this knowledge, Philips failed to warn consumers about the dangers of their products, and as a result, many people have been injured. If you were injured as a result of using a Philips CPAP machine, then a lawyer can help you prove that the company was negligent in its actions.
A Lawyer Can Help You Get Compensation
If you’ve been injured by a Philips CPAP machine, then you may be entitled to compensation. A CPAP lawsuit lawyer will help you get the compensation you deserve, and will fight for your rights every step of the way. Some of the compensation you may be entitled to include medical expenses, lost wages, and more.
In short, a lawyer can help you in a variety of ways if you’re the victim of a defective CPAP machine. If you’re considering filing a lawsuit against Philips, then don’t hesitate to reach out to a CPAP lawsuit lawyer today. They can help you understand your rights, and will fight for the compensation you deserve.