
Sending Certified Mail Online

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By Admin Desk

While the modern world has become increasingly online, there are still many situations where a physical letter is required. However, you may not have the time or accessibility to physically go to a post office and mail a letter. In addition, with remote work becoming more common, your daily work habits and location may make mailing a physical letter difficult. Service providers allow you to send certified mail online from the comfort of your home, ensuring your letter gets where it needs to go safely and efficiently.

Why Use Certified Mail?

Some letters are of utmost importance, such as legal documents, payments, or information you consider valuable. Certified mail is a valuable tool with many advantages.

  • Useful For Valuable Mail: some pieces of mail you cannot risk being lost or delivered late. Certified mail is not only an efficient mailing method it also offers real-time tracking information and proof of delivery. This ensures you know where your mail is and when it is delivered. Some items have to have proof of delivery due to legal concerns.
  • Priority: the USPS handles billions of items every year and while digital tools have decreased mail volume the USPS still handles a vast assortment of important material. Certified mail is given higher priority and is not only sent faster but also more securely.
  • Tells The Recipient It Is Important: people often receive a high volume of junk mail such as credit card offers and other types of advertisements. You don’t want your important mail to be misplaced or accidentally thrown out by the recipient mistaking it for another item of junk mail. A certified letter stands out and communicates that the item is important and should be opened and read as soon as possible.

Sending Certified Mail Online

If you want to take advantage of online mailing services, it’s easy to register an account. Once your account is set up mailing providers offer easy-to-use tools and additional features to create a copy of your letter for printing and mailing.

  • Sign Up For Service: the first step after finding a reputable service provider is to register your account. It’s like setting up an account for many other service providers and involves entering your log-in, contact, and payment information. Depending on your service needs, you may only need to pay for your letters. However, a service plan can offer additional features you may find useful.
  • Write Your Letter: an online letter can be drafted from an existing document written in an office software program. Many mailing providers have exact ways of extracting needed information from your digital letters to ensure the physical copy gets mailed to the proper location. Some may offer PDF scans if you have a copy of an existing letter you need to send. This quickly provides your mailer with a copy of your letter they can print out and immediately mail.
  • Select Additional Features: as with mailing a certified letter in person, online certified mail offers options to fit your specific needs. These options can include colored paper, prints, return envelopes, pre-stamped return envelopes, and additional sheets past standard rates if you have to send a lot of information.

Final Thoughts

Internet tools have made common tasks far more accessible and this includes sending mail. No matter if you’re very busy, travel a lot, work remotely, or work and live in an out-of-the-way location you can still send important letters via certified mail. Online mail service providers give you an accessible way to send hard copies to where you need them to go while also allowing you to track the letter’s progress and receive confirmation it has been delivered.