
Most popular Forex scams and How to spot them

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By John Wick

Forex trading isn’t necessarily a rip-off. It is a lawful way to make money. In recent years, forex has risen in popularity. Unfortunately, fame comes with illegal counterparts, such as Forex trading scams. Furthermore, the Forex market is decentralized, which means a single body does not control it. Unfortunately, this is why Forex scams occur.

Forex scams have become so common that we need to know how to protect ourselves. It’s also important to note that several scam recovery firms have recently emerged. They perform early assessments, and these firms aid in the recovery of funds. These companies go to great lengths to assist scam victims in recovering money from con artists.

Popular Forex scams:

With so much activity and no centralized authority, individual Forex traders are at risk of falling victim to forex scams. There are a few popular ones to be aware of if you decide to trade;

Robot trading system scams:

The prospect of making money while sleeping is tempting. After all, we all want to make money while we sleep. But, in the case of Forex, scammers would promise trading systems or robots that will perform all of the work for you.

This trading is conducted by computers, which make buy and sell choices based on predefined parameters. No outside source has ever verified or vetted these forex robots to ensure their credibility.

In any case, relying on any system to make financial and investing decisions is not a good idea. As much as we would like to accept technology, computers are not error-proof.

Furthermore, no one (not even a computer) can forecast global events or other economic signals that will impact the forex market. So, while having a robot trade for you may seem attractive, you should avoid them since they could be a scam.

Scammers that sell forex signals:

Companies or individuals who charge for advice on when to purchase and sell a specific currency pair are known as signal sellers. These signal sellers usually demand the investors to pay a monthly fee in exchange for this information. These individuals frequently guarantee market outperformance and claim to have traded down to a science.

A signal seller scam will take money from traders without revealing personal information. Worse, many aren’t even qualified through experience to give advice. A simple Google search will demonstrate how simple it is to market oneself as a signal vendor.

It may be difficult to spot these signal vendors as scammers because they frequently present glowing testimonials and claim to have made considerable gains in the past. Whatever facts they provide, always be cautious.

Forex broker scams:

A forex broker is a service that offers you access to a trading platform via which you can buy and sell currencies. To trade Forex, you’ll need a broker. Unfortunately, not all brokers are trustworthy and legitimate, and some may steal your money or demand excessive fees. So doing your research on any broker you intend to employ is always a brilliant idea. And you can conduct a background investigation.

Multi-Level marketing scams:

The rise of multilevel marketing (MLM) enterprises centered on forex trading has helped maintain Forex’s popularity. However, these sectors are already distrusted, and Forex (FX) is no exception. Members of several well-known forex multilevel marketing companies must pay a monthly fee in exchange for daily trade signals and forex training materials.

Members are then rewarded with tier-based commissions if they recruit more people. As a result, these firms place a greater focus on recruiting new members than on trade. The truth is that trading in the forex market does not require you to join any company or even pay a membership fee.

How to spot Forex scams:

There are a couple of indicators to identify these scams.

  1. A guarantee of success or significant profits:

Nothing in the market, particularly the fx market, is inevitable. The market is influenced by too many factors that can alter at any time. So, if someone promises guaranteed earnings or precise outcomes, they are selling a scam.

  1. Insufficient evidence or background information:

It’s pretty easy to find images of profit charts on the internet. Unfortunately, scammers are astute, and they will only show profits rather than losses over time. In the worst-case scenario, they may display charts from demo trading accounts that do not reflect real-world trading.

Do not choose to work with someone or buy a product based on this or incomplete information. Request background information as well as a complete statement of earnings and losses. It’s most likely a forex scam if they deny or remain unclear.

  1. Unsolicited Marketing:

Unsolicited and persistent marketing is often a sign of fraud. For instance, it could be a scam attempt if you are pressured to buy a product or service with little information or time.

If they start asking for personal information that could be used for identity theft, be warier. Avoid it if it makes you feel uneasy or invasive.


Forex trading is not a scam. However, there are con artists who prey on innocent people in the name of educating them about forex trading. Forex trading does not guarantee profits; both wins and losses are probable. Unfortunately, this is a regular occurrence for a trader. However, scamming people in the name of Forex is a SCAM! Fraudsters utilize a variety of techniques to defraud people. As a result, knowing how to safeguard yourself from fraud is essential.