
MetaMorph of Path of Exile poe 3.9 patch notes – All Skills Reworked

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By John Wick

Notes for the Path of Exile patch poe 3.9 patch notes are out. The brand new Conquerors part of the Atlas system, which will replace the previous Elder as well as Shaper impact, is nearly there. Alongside it, the brand newly-designed Atlas system, players are invited to participate in the brand new MetaMorph League. The new League mechanic is about using the brand-new Samples and Catalysts that players will utilize in conjunction with the brand new crafting system.

In the new crafting system players can interact with new MetaMorph bosses by using Samples obtained from bosses of other types that will increase the difficulty. Another element revolves around Catalysts. They are able to apply quality as well as additional modifiers for Rings, Amulets and Belts which add a new and important element for building.

The game’s base is getting many tweaks since POE 3.9 patch notes. The skills are that are changing, and so much change in them that it’s much easier to provide an overview of the abilities and define them as a whole. In all below are the top winners and losers from the Path of Exile’s poe 3.9 patch notes, according to the skills.

Let’s first dive through some fundamental changes in gameplay you must take note of.

  • Multi-Mod crafting is currently limited to 3 modifiers per item, which has reduced the ability to craft.
  • Two-handed weapons will no longer be able roll powerful Shaper/Elder modifications that deal with Physical Damage. This will result in a nerfing of some damage scaling for certain melee-based builds.
  • The lives of all unique monsters in the game have been up by 10 percent.
  • A typical boss in a map has 40 percent resistivity to elements (up from 30 percent) and 25 percent Resistance to Chaos (up from 15 percent). A powerful boss such as the Shaper is now sporting 50 percent resistance to elemental forces (up from 40 percent) and 30 percent the Chaos resistance (up from 25 25%).
  • Huge boost to Boss HP and across the board all bosses are slightly harder to defeat. Builds that are not meta-based could be a challenge.

Main Attack Skill Reworks

The first is the set of modifications to the primary attacks. GGG has implemented an extensive amount of rework for The Path of Exile 3.9. Particularly, bow-based abilities have been the focus of interest.

  • Arc The range at where Arc can chain itself to an adversary is currently 35 units (from 25 units).).
  • Burning Arrow – Increased DPS.
  • Caustic Arrow with Increased AoE DPS Increased.
  • Discharge – Does not have a new target limit.
  • Ice Shot is no longer leaving Chilled Ground on impact. More DPS and better use of chill.
  • In addition, Lancing Steel increases DPS Improved Impale impact.
  • Lightning Arrow – Increased DPS and better use of Shock but less efficient Shock.
  • Punishment has a longer duration The enemies who are cursed have 20% less Physical Damages.
  • The rain of Arrows – Base damage increased on all levels.
  • The Shattering Steel will increase DPS and greater attack time multiplier
  • Stormblast Mine – Increased base damage to max gem level.
  • Toxic Rain Damage to the base is increased across all stages.
  • Venom Gyre – Increased base damage for all levels.


  • Blast Rain – Lower DPS and +1 projectile.
  • Elemental Hit – Reducing DPS for all damage levels.
  • Icicle Mine – Shorter range, less projectiles. Now , it gains 1% more Projectile Speed per gem quality (from an increase of 1% in Projectile damage per Gem Quality).
  • Lightning Spire Trap – Reduced DPS, less effective attacks.
  • Molten Strike – Reduced base damage.
  • Orb of Storms – Reduced DPS Slower attacks.
  • Raise The Spectre – Additional Maximum Spetres are now available at level 13 and 25, respectively (from 11.21 and 21).
  • Raise Zombie – Attacks that are slower do not gain more life, instead it gains AoE range. A reduced DPS as well.
  • Scourge Arrow: Significantly reduced base damage, but now includes Chaos damage.
  • Smoke Mine – Reduced start-up speed buff.
  • Soulrend – Longer duration.
  • Vaal’s burning Arrow – Complete Fire conversion is now available, with better application of the igniter, Now has a 1% increase to Fire Damage Over time multiplier for 2% gem high-end.

General Big Changes:


  • Shrapnel Shot, now known as Galvanic Arrow. Arrows are no longer piercing by default. The new version adds Lightning Damage as the gem increases, ranging from 9 to 179 when you reach gem level 20.
  • Explosive Arrow – the fire damage of explosions reduced. Explosions are now able to deal 33 more damage using Ignite per explosive arrow hit the area of the target.
  • Freezing Pulse effects more precisely reflect the severity of damage.
  • Pestilent Strike now gains an additional range of Melee as the levels of the gem increase, until it reaches +2 at gem level 20.
  • Siege Ballista – Increased level requirements 2 times your maximum summoned totems for all levels of gems. Grants 1% increase in projectile Damage for every gem’s quality of 1. Lower base damage.
  • Spectral Throw – Faster Attack Time multiplier
  • Split Arrow – Physical Damage
  • Summon Raging Spirit Summoned Raging Spirits will now attempt to get to the spot your cursor was when the summoned spirit was called, except if they encounter an enemy prior to their arrival.
  • Tornado Shot Secondary projectiles are more powerful and are less effective.
  • Vaal’s Spetral Throw increases attack speed multiplier
  • Volatile Dead – Limit is 60 orbs.

Skills for Support Reworks

We then move to support skills, that have been vastly improved in this patch.


  • Support for Lesser Multiple Projectiles Massive boost to DPS on all levels.
  • Volley Support – DPS Increased DPS


  • Feeding Frenzy Support – Reducing buffs for damage, attack move speed and cast.
  • Inspiration Support – – Reduced Crit Chance with slightly decreased DPS
  • Minion Damage Support Slightly less DPS
  • Mirage Archer Support – Reduced DPS and reduced range of target
  • Support for Onslaught – Massive reduction in the duration of buff, and less chance of granting Onslaught.
  • Point Blank Support Damage at the beginning of the movement decreased to 30% from 50% percent.

General Big Changes:

  • Fortify is now multiplicative other sources of reduction in damage.
  • Impale – Now gives supported abilities -30% of total physical damage reduction against Impale hits at all levels of gem.

Path of Exile 3.9 is available for PC on the 13th of December. PS4 or Xbox One versions of the game will get the patch on the 16th of December.