Many people do not know they are mentally-ill until it destroys them. Sometimes a little too late. Surprisingly we are so ignorant that we cant notice those around us suffering from it it as well.We notice them after their self destruction, mostly suicide.
What is mental illness really.
First it is important to know mental health ;This is the proper behavioral and emotional well being. So mental illness is a condition which causes serous disorder in a person behavioral or thinking.
Mental illness is grouped to about 300,the major and common ones being;anxiety disorders,personality disorders,eating disorders
Statistics according to World Health Organization shows that around 20% of the world children and adolescent have mental health.
What brings about mental illness
- Mental health can be generic from blood relative
- Serious injuring resulting to brain damage
- Traumatic experience such as combat,military and assault
- Childhood abuse can result in serious mental isssues
- A pre existing mental illness
- Chronic medical condition
- Drug abuse addiction such as alcohol and other drugs
This are the most common triggers of mental health
Do you have a reason to be see a specialist?
Well here are some of the signs of mental illness ;
- Suicidal thoughts
- Excessive fears
- Too much feeling of guilt
- Much of sad feeling
- Umost changes in moods
- Pulling away from friends and activities
- Sex dysfunction
- Difficulty I sleeping
This should alarm you to see a professional for medical advice.
Can mental illness be prevented?can it be treated?
No sure way to prevent mental health has been proven,however this are some of the ways to boost your mental health;
- Talking to people is important to mental health
- Have leisure times in your priority
- Eating brain healthy diets
- Having a purpose to keep you going
- Admittance to help if you in neeed
Once you find out you have mental illness and confirmed by specialists,what then?Treatment
Thanks to modernization and everyday thrive in a man there are treatments which have helped people recover. NDIS psychology services have helped to improve mental health in Australia by providing access to quality psychological care. These services have been shown to reduce the symptoms of mental illness and improve the quality of life for people living with mental illness. In addition, NDIS psychology services have helped to increase the number of people who are able to access mental health services.
Here are some of the treatments found effective on mental illness
- Psychotherapy;this is talking to a professional psychiatrist,psychologist or another of mental health provider.
- Support group;this is where a group of individuals with the same goal of recovery meet to guide each other and sharing of experiences.
- Hospitalization;sometimes this becomes necessary for specialist to closely monitor the patient
- Peer support;this is another approach to reversing mental illness where those who have previously suffered help those in thrir similar situation recover.
- Case management;this refers to coordination of community based services by a professional to aid them in their recovery
See it is treatable ,it starts with first identifying ,acknowledgement then seeking mental health treatment.
Mental illness ;most common being depression claims approximately 700000 through suicide. This is according to WHO Yet there are known ,effective treatment for this mental disorders.
Mos ignorant of their conditions until their breaking.
Mental Health America(MHA) Organizaton initiated Mental Health Awareness month(1st may-31st May) in 1949.
Again there world mental health day set for every 10th October .As one of the measures to make to educate and make people aware of mental health.