
How to Plan a Hen Do if You’ve Never Done It Before

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By John Wick

Planning a hen party might be stressful, especially if you haven’t organized a huge gathering before. Look at our step-by-step guide to organizing the ideal hen party to verify you know when and how to throw the hen, as well as make it run smoothly. The job of arranging the event usually falls to the maid of honour, but don’t be hesitant to delegate duties to the other bridesmaids. Some brides like to arrange their hen parties; hey, if it makes her happy!

Step 1 – Speak to the Bride

If you’ve been assigned to organize your BFF’s hen party, the first step is to speak with her. You probably want to keep the celebrations a surprise, but it’s critical to have an idea of what the bride wants. Take a look at the questions below, which will assist you in planning a fantastic do for your best friend.

Do you want to go abroad?

Some brides like a hen party in a hot and sunny location. Others would prefer to do something unique. Get some hen party ideas from the bride; it doesn’t have to ruin the surprise!

What type of budget should we work to?

The groom will be able to tell you how much he is prepared to spend, but the bride should be able to give you a general idea of what budget everyone will operate under.

Do you have any definite no-nos?

Check for anything the bride considers a nightmare! If she’s not an adrenaline junkie, perhaps avoid skydiving. Also, don’t book a stripper if the idea of one makes her cringe.

Are there any places you would particularly like to go to?

Consider whether the bride has any favourite cities she’d want to see. Is there anywhere she’s never been but would like to go, such as Brighton?

Do you want to go away for one night or two?

You may become restricted by a budget but consider what the bride wants first – if she simply wants to go away for one night, your budget might accommodate it.

What is important to you?

How about planning a honeymoon for two in an extraordinary location like Bali? Or maybe you want to go somewhere more low-key and budget-friendly so that everyone can attend? An activity she’s never done before. A relaxing spa day to unwind from wedding planning tension.

How far ahead of the wedding would you like it to be?

The practice of having the hen do on the weekend before or even during the night before the wedding has all but disappeared. Who wants to feel hungover on their big day or has the time to prepare when there are so many last-minute chores left? We propose holding the hen party between eight and ten weeks before the wedding. Having it six to eight weeks prior will allow you enough time to recuperate (including any bruises that need to mend if you engage in an adrenaline-filled activity) while also giving the bride plenty of time before she gets married. It is, however, entirely up to the bride whether she wishes it done this way!

Step 2 – Make an Invite List

Create an invite list in conjunction with the bride. This isn’t necessarily going to be your final figure, but it will give you a sense of the scale of the event you’re planning. You won’t forget anyone important if you don’t get their input!

Step 3 – Make a List of Possible Dates

First and foremost, get as many possible date choices as possible from the bride – the more, the better! Then consult a list of “priority guests” that the bride wants to come and run the dates for them to select one that will (or at least as many as feasible) everyone can make. Once you’ve chosen a date, it’s final. As soon as possible, have the hen and key visitors write it down in their diaries.

Step 4 – Create a WhatsApp or Facebook Group

It’s time to set up the group chat! Let the rest of the hens know your preferred date and give them an idea of your spending limit so they can see if they can attend.

Step 5 – Choose a Place to Stay and Find Accommodation

After you’ve figured out how many people can attend on your chosen date, it’s time to start looking for places to stay and food. you may find a wide range of options by Googling “self-catering houses” in the area. In the city centre, a budget (but nice) hotel may provide you with a better group price than renting a home. If you’re looking for a place to host your hen party, why not check out the Bierkeller for a list of events.