
Getting The Most Out of HubSpot: Setting Up Onboarding Checklist

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By Admin Desk

Setting up the correct HubSpot is essential for getting the most out of the platform. Digital agencies recommend ensuring your data is set up correctly and using consistent naming conventions across all assets. If metrics and data are essential to your company, you can build a custom dashboard to monitor them. This template will help your sales team keep up with their KPIs.


When creating a Hubspot onboarding checklist, following best practices is essential. Doing so allows you to track data and insights, enables automation and personalization, and ensures collaboration and scalability for your team. It’s also necessary to set up automated reports within HubSpot so you can get a better understanding of your marketing performance and make data-driven decisions. Digital agencies can help with the setup and optimization of these reports. Lastly, it’s essential to create workflows and sequences within your portal. Workflows are a powerful efficiency tool used across all hubs from professional up, and sequences are an excellent way to automate one-to-one communications for your sales or service teams. These features can help with lead nurturing, customer feedback surveys, and live chat.


Hubspot’s wide range of tools requires careful integration and configuration to yield the best results. During onboarding, you should focus on lead scoring, cross-sell and upselling opportunities, and customer feedback surveys. It’s also crucial to set up your contact lists correctly. Use active lists to segment contacts by behavior or property values that change over time and static lists for groups of contacts who share similar properties (e.g., a contact’s lifecycle stage). You can also set up a knowledge base to help customers with frequently asked questions. It will improve the customer experience and enhance your SEO efforts. Lastly, you should create a workflow template and a pipeline. This template will help you automate tasks and stay organized. Then, you should connect your social media accounts to HubSpot.


Establishing a blog is an excellent method to disseminate your company’s expertise. It can help you attract new customers and drive sales. However, it is essential to have an effective strategy in place when creating a blog. Using Hubspot’s marketing automation capabilities, you can create automated email workflows that will fire based on specific actions or properties. For example, you can use an email workflow to send a different message to contacts who complete an online form versus those who do not. Creating campaigns is essential in managing your business’s marketing, sales, and service initiatives. You can associate emails, blogs, forms, CTAs, and other assets with a campaign to track its performance and impact.

Landing Page

Setting up the basics to get the most out of Hubspot is crucial. It includes setting up email tracking, setting up page domains, and linking Google Analytics. It may seem like a no-brainer, but we have seen many clients overlook these simple tasks in their excitement to start using all the powerful tools that Hubspot offers.

Another essential task is creating your first marketing automation workflow, which can help nurture leads and move them down the sales funnel. It can be done by creating a lead capture form and a landing page to promote it. If you have existing marketing, sales, or service data in a spreadsheet, it’s essential to migrate it into the HubSpot portal. It can be accomplished by importing a CSV file into the HubSpot database.

Contact Form

Analytics, email, social media, lead generation, and other tools are all included in HubSpot’s all-in-one marketing automation platform. While the platform is robust, getting set up correctly requires time and effort. The first step is to create a contact form and configure it to capture the correct information from your website visitors. This information is then stored in your contacts database. Once the contacts are added, you can set up workflows and pipelines to automate customer service and deal creation processes. You can save time and get a better user experience overall. However, it is essential to note that the default reporting dashboards can be overwhelming and may need to provide the right insights.