
Benefits of App Shielding & Application Shielding

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By Kaleem Bhatti

You may have heard the saying, “App shielding is good to block things.  Well, it’s as accurate when it comes to app security as it is with anything else. An application firewall will help protect your sensitive data from prying eyes. Still, it won’t do much good if the users can easily access your apps via another URL or icon on their phones or tablets. To remain secure and not expose yourself to unnecessary risks, you need to implement an application shielding strategy that protects your applications from malicious links and other malicious means of access.

App Shielding Benefits

Before we get into the benefits of app shielding, it’s essential to understand the threats and vulnerabilities that may exist in your applications. Malicious links, the added complexity in the code, and other forms of access control may exist in your applications. To protect yourself against these threats, you must know their existence and how they may affect your applications. Knowing where to look for weaknesses in your applications and how to address them is the first step toward securing them.

Improves User Experience

Much research has gone into determining how best to improve the user experience—or the user’s perception of it—when using an application. For example, an application may include an easy-to-use user interface, user-friendly error messages, support for many devices, and easy-to-navigate back to the main menu or home screen. Poorly designed or implemented tabs, transitions, pop-ups, and other elements can significantly reduce users’ experience. Studies have shown that poor user experience is directly linked to poor user retention rates.

Reduces Staff Costs

With the rise of the “have-not” countries, the demand for reliable, high-quality software will increase among enterprises around the globe. This demand, in turn, will drive up the software price and make it more difficult for small businesses to compete in the international marketplace. Developing and marketing an application shielding that works on many different devices and platforms can be very challenging. Furthermore, companies specializing in creating only one type of application are at a distinct disadvantage compared to their competitors. To succeed in today’s market, you need to be agile and flexible, which can be challenging when you’re trying to maintain a strong focus on one specific platform.

Ensures App Integrity

Poorly written code can cause severe damage. One study found that poorly written code is responsible for more software-related defects and performance issues than any other type of issue. Poorly written code can lead to design defects, security issues, documentation issues, and efficiency issues. Poorly written code can also significantly increase the time it takes to produce an application. With every hour that passes without code being committed or altered, your application leaps, becoming unproven and ultimately discarded.

Stops Advertisements From Becoming Unwanted Content

There are many instances when you need to block ads from your applications. For example, when you’re logged into a website where an ad is displayed, you need to keep reading to find out what the content is. However, you can also employ this approach when you’re using an app on a daily basis, and you don’t want to be subjected to advertising. A great way to achieve this is to place a “flag” in your application’s code that, when triggered, will send an email to your development team with the exception name and the reason for the block. This will prevent these ads from becoming malicious content and will help maintain the integrity of your application.

Better Customer Service

When a customer reports a problem or issue with your application, you want to be able to quickly determine if it is a problem within your application or a system-wide issue. This is why you should place phone numbers, descriptive messages, and links to support materials (like FAQs) in your applications. By doing so, you communicate to the customer that you are aware of the issue and that you are working to resolve it. This means that poor-quality experiences can significantly reduce the number of users who stick around an application over time.

There are many benefits to implementing an application shielding strategy, both for the developers and the end-users of the applications. By using these tips and techniques, you can improve the security of your applications while saving your customers time and money.

Why do businesses invest in app shielding?

Security is becoming increasingly crucial for businesses of all sizes. From retailers to government agencies, organizations face a complex array of threats that can include everything from cybercrime to data breaches. One way to protect against these threats is through app shielding.

What is app shielding?

App shielding is a security strategy that uses technology to protect the apps on a device or in the cloud. By isolating an app from the rest of the device or the internet, it becomes much more difficult for attackers to access and exploit it. Why invest in app shielding? There are several reasons why businesses should invest in app shielding. First, it can help improve security overall by protecting against attacks that target individual apps. Second, it can help reduce the chances of data breaches by protecting sensitive information inside apps. And finally, it can help protect devices from malware and other malicious attacks.

How does app shielding work?

App shielding works by isolating an app from the rest of the device or the internet. This means that attackers have less access to it, which makes it harder for them to exploit it and steal information. In addition, app shielding can also protect. When you’re looking for ways to protect your mobile devices and confidential data, then app shielding might be the solution for you.


App shielding is a process that can be used to hide sensitive data on your Android or iOS device. By encrypting certain parts of your phone’s operating system and applications, you can keep sensitive information such as passwords, credit card numbers, and other personal data safe from prying eyes. App shielding not only protects your privacy but also helps to safeguard your device from malware and unauthorized access.