
Affordable Will Writing in Singapore: A Guide to Cheap Will Writing Services

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By John Wick

Will writing is often considered a daunting task, with most people believing that it is only suited for those at the final stretch of their lives. In truth, writing a will is something that everyone above the age of 21 should think about. One of the key functions of a will is its ability to ensure that your property is allocated according to your wishes after you’re gone. Without a valid will in place, the government may take over the time-consuming and expensive process of distributing your property. It is critical to state that dying without a will in place will make it more difficult for your loved ones to access your finances and deal with your estate. Therefore, having a will in place will not only make the grieving process for your family and friends much easier but it also ensures that your wishes are respected. If you’re looking for cheap will writing Singapore, there are affordable options available.

However, many people who haven’t had a will drafted yet often attribute this to the high cost of writing a will. What they forget is that in Singapore, you have multiple ways and legal vehicles for drafting a will. Indeed, there are many reputable and affordable companies out there that provide very cheap will writing services in Singapore. In fact, you’ll be quite surprised at not only the range of companies that offer this service but, in addition to that, the low price that you’ll have to pay for a service that is so important. At the end of the day, a will is an inexpensive way to ensure that your wishes are honored after your death, so don’t let the cost deter you from creating one today.

Importance of Will Writing Services

A will writing service Singapore can help you create a legally binding document. Many people in Singapore are wary of writing a will prematurely due to the costs involved. Some may only decide to do so after they become preoccupied with thoughts of mortality, while others may not even get around to writing one. We think that writing a will is important because it is the main way to decide what happens to our assets after our death. These assets can include money in bank accounts, property, insurance or CPF nominee monies, stocks and shares, as well as personal assets. All these assets will be distributed according to the rules governing that particular form of asset, provided the form you signed allows you to decide.

For example, bank accounts will be distributed in accordance with the opening cheque signatories’ instructions or trustee accounts rules, insurance will be distributed in accordance with the insurance nomination, and CPF nominee monies will be distributed in accordance with the CPF nomination. If an asset form does not have a nomination, it will be included in your estate and be distributed in accordance with the rules of intestacy if there is no will. This is important because it ensures that it is your beneficiaries who will benefit from your assets and not just assets of others who may not be leaving behind dependents.

Key Features of Watershore’s Will Writing Services

Will writing ensures your assets are distributed according to your wishes. If you are in search of a full-service will writing service in Singapore, you are at the right place. We have been hand-holding our clients through the will writing journey with much patience, use of everyday language, and at a reasonable price. Here are some key features of our will writing services.

Three-Step Will Drafting Approach: We adopt a three-step approach to write your will so as to ensure that your instructions are well understood by our legally trained will writers. We will set up a meeting with you to take instructions and to explain what a will can and cannot do. Next, we will review your instructions and give you the first draft of your will for review. We will then meet you again to get your changes and to ensure that your will is finalized to your satisfaction. Given the serious nature of will writing, we engage only legally trained will writers to help you through the will writing process.

Guardian Nomination Services for Children below 21 Years Old: In your will, you can nominate someone to be the guardian of your children under the age of 21 years old. A guardian must manage your children’s welfare, care, and estate until they are at least 21 years old. This is an important role, and you should discuss with the nominated person if he or she is able to take care of your children should the need arise. If you do not nominate an appropriate guardian in your will and both parents die, the guardian will be appointed by the court. You should let the court decide on the guardian only if you do not care about your children’s welfare.

Well, that sums up our guide to the affordable will-making services available in the Singapore market. Hopefully, through this article on cheap, easy, quick will-writing services available, you have been equipped to do some price comparisons and make an informed decision. If you are planning to turn to any will-writing service, be sure to do some research and due diligence before choosing a service, as a poorly written will can cause endless problems for your loved ones. A holographic will is less likely to come under legal scrutiny if it is not appropriately prepared and is more easily challenged by those who come into the belongings left behind. Always remember that this financial product is very important because it can protect your loved ones in case of any unforeseen event. So any doubt will not save you money and can get you into troubles in the future.