
Who Is Responsible If The Airbags Did Not Open In A Car Accident?

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By Eva Adm

Airbags are an essential safety feature in modern vehicles. Designed to deploy in the event of a collision, airbags can help protect drivers and passengers from serious injury. However, in some cases, airbags may fail to deploy or may deploy improperly, resulting in additional injuries or fatalities. 


Atlanta has witnessed a lot of accidents where the airbags fail to open in severe accidents cases, leaving the victim with serious injuries. While many people are uneducated about what to do ahead, many think they cannot seek compensation for the injuries and damages if the airbags did not open during the accident. 


However, this is not the case. You can seek compensation in certain cases. If you were involved in a car accident and the airbags did not open, you may wonder who is responsible for your injuries. To establish the liability of the accident properly, you should consider hiring a Car accident attorney in Atlanta


Besides hiring a lawyer, you should know who will be held responsible if the airbags do not open in a car accident. 


Potential parties who may be liable if the airbags did not open in a car accident:


In cases where the airbags did not open in an accident, one fixed party cannot be blamed. Depending on the situation, the liability can be held by one party or multiple. 


Either way, a few potential parties can be held liable for the airbags not opening during the car accident in Atlanta. They are as follows. 

  • The manufacturer


If the airbags did not open due to a defect in the design or manufacture of the vehicle, the manufacturer might be held responsible. It could include defects in the airbag system itself and other components that may have contributed to the failure of the airbags.

  • The seller


If the vehicle’s seller knew or should have known about an airbag defect and did not disclose this information to the purchaser, they may be held responsible.

  • The mechanic


The mechanic or repair shop might be liable if the airbags did not open due to a vehicle maintenance or repair problem. It could include improper installation, failure to diagnose or repair a defect properly, or using defective parts. Sometimes, the mechanic may fail to maintain your vehicle properly, resulting in the airbags not working properly. 

  • The other driver


In some cases, the other driver may be responsible for the failure of the airbags. It could be the case if the other driver were driving recklessly or negligently, resulting in a collision that caused the airbags to fail.


Should I hire a lawyer for a car accident due to airbag failure?


It is generally a good idea to hire a lawyer in Atlanta if you were involved in a car accident and the airbags did not open. A lawyer can help you understand your rights and options, gather evidence, and negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf. 


When airbags fail to open in a car accident, the case can become complicated. The insurance company often tries to deny your compensation by making different excuses. Additionally, if you do not have any legal guidance to assist you, the insurance company can take advantage of the situation and try to turn your claim down. Due to this, many victims are left to bare the expenses of the damage and injuries alone. 


Therefore, we do not recommend going ahead with your claim without speaking to a lawyer. A lawyer will understand your claim first and, based on the situation, come up with the right strategy. 


They can also help you determine who may be responsible for the failure of the airbags and assist you in seeking compensation for any injuries or damages you may have sustained. Even if the accident was minor and you do not think you need a lawyer, it is always a good idea to at least consult with one to understand your rights and options.


Lastly, the lawyer will work from your side, so you can expect your case is in safe hands and the lawyer will try their best to get maximum compensation and hold the negligent party accountable for the action. 

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