Career, Education

What makes children confidence strong?

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By Kaleem Bhatti

Parents can do a lot to help their children develop confidence and are prepared for the challenges of life:

Self-efficacy: From birth, every child has the need to understand the world with its rules and principles and wants to experience how it can help shape its environment through its own action. Even as a baby, children experience the principle of self-efficacy and begin to test their influence on others: For example, when it cries, your baby has certain needs that it would like to have met. Try to identify the triggers of the screaming and, at best, eliminate them. Comfort them, and when they smile at you, smile in return.

Self-esteem: Children can only develop a sense of their self-worth if they feel accepted and loved for who they are – with all their strengths and weaknesses. It is also important that they notice that others are interested in them and pay them attention.

Confidence: You can build your child’s confidence by trusting and encouraging them from the start. Mindfulness cards for kids also helps your child to better perceive their own strengths and weaknesses and to be able to deal with them. Self-confidence forms the basis for your child to be able to place more trust in other people, to conquer the world full of confidence, to gain experience with their own possibilities and limits and to develop a good self-confidence.

Independence: From birth, every child is motivated to become more independent over time and gradually to stand on their own two feet. Even if your child still needs parental protection, give them the opportunity to try their hand at everyday life and get to know their own skills better , for example when eating with cutlery. Try to combine both of your child’s needs: the child should not be unsettled by excessive worry, on the other hand you should of course avoid serious dangers.

Perseverance: Children can be very persistent: when they develop a new skill or discover something new, they often stay on the ball until they are satisfied with the result. Parents also have to be patient when they are actually running late and your child, for example, insists on tying their own shoes. Give your child time and space to find their own solutions and develop their skills. Praise them sincerely and appropriately. Uplifting words strengthen and encourage your child.

Ability to deal with conflicts: Whether and how your child deals with disputes depends largely on whether and how conflicts are resolved in the family. Your child should be sure that they are valued in order to be able to perceive and express their views. It is important that your child learns again and again in everyday life that his or her opinion is respected just like that of the others, but that sometimes concessions should also be made.

Compassion and empathy: Compassion is a fundamental prerequisite for being just and fair and, for example, being able to share or be considerate of others. Empathy is related to the sense of self, the child’s development of the ego as well as the child’s social development. Babies already have this experience when they experience human closeness and affection. They understand by being understood and thus accepted.