Home Improvement

5 Ways to Learn More About the City You’re Moving To

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By Kaleem Bhatti

You just took a temporary job and are headed to a new city. While that’s exciting, you may not know much about the location. That’s okay, though. There are ways to discover everything you need to know about the city! Doing your research will ensure you learn the basics before moving there.

Below are ways to learn more about the new city you’ll be living in before making the big move.

  1. Converse With Friends and Acquaintances

Reliable information about the city you are moving to lies with the residents. You may or may not know people in the area. If you do, communicate with relatives, friends, or colleagues who live or have visited there. Your contacts will undoubtedly share more reliable information than strangers.

City Information

Since they want the best for you after the move, they’ll likely provide many tips and recommendations. You can get a lot more details about the city from them than you would from other sources.


Acquaintances can also share specific details about different neighborhoods. Their tips can aid you in selecting a suitable place to live. For instance, you may work late hours. If so, your preference may be to find a home nearby. In addition, your contact who lives near your work can suggest places to live.

Lifestyle Tips

If they don’t know already, let your contacts know about your preferred lifestyle. That way, they can advise you about various activities you love. Have them point you in the right direction on where to go shopping, eat out, and enjoy outdoor activities.


Safety is an important consideration when moving to a new city. People you know can communicate which areas are the best to move to or spend time.

  1. Study Neighborhood Databases

Numerous databases collect and analyze detailed information on cities. You can find the city’s profile with crucial statistics. A few statistics you will come across are the median income levels and cost of living. Neighborhood databases are quick, insightful ways to learn about a new city before moving.

Databases search wider into the data with detailed descriptions of the following:

  • Demographics and characteristics
  • Crime rates
  • Home appreciation values

Subscription databases provide more local data on neighborhood ranking and street popularity. In addition, they rank neighborhoods according to proximity to essential amenities. These amenities typically include hospitals, parks, restaurants, and stores. They also rate means of transport and walking convenience.

Checking out databases is an easy and convenient way to research the city.

  1. Contact the City

The city is one of the best sources of information about itself. You can start by visiting the official website to familiarize yourself with the city. In addition, many towns share online guides for residents and visitors. The guides reveal information that you did not know.

Gather more data by calling the city hall to ask for new resident sources. The officials will provide information about services, such as the best internet providers.

The local chamber of commerce is also a credible source. It’s worth it to get in touch with them because they understand the business aspect of the city. For example, chamber officials can suggest thriving businesses if you are a trader.

  1. Consult with Rental Agents and Housing Companies

Rental agents know many of the areas of a city more than some residents. They are great resources when you’re not sure where to start looking. If you ask for advice, they’ll want to know certain factors to provide accurate information.

These factors include the following:

  • Budget
  • Location
  • Size
  • Move-in date
  • Personal preferences

You can also consult a housing company if you don’t have time to do the research. Working with a company can save you the time and burden of finding the right place to live. For example, they may recommend moving into a fully furnished short-term rental. Moving all your belongings may not make sense depending on how long you’ll be in the city. So, consult a corporate housing company to find your ideal temporary home.

  1. Visit the City

By visiting the area beforehand, you know more about the city you plan to relocate to. A mini vacation or a visit for a few days will give you enough time to familiarize yourself.

You can better judge a new town by studying the amenities and exploring the surroundings. Stay at a place near the area where you will be working to feel and observe the environment.

While there, you should also visit multiple neighborhoods. Being in various communities allows you to identify the ones you like.

See if you can get the chance to talk to the locals as well. Their familiarity with the city enables them to recommend suitable facilities for residents. They’ll likely recommend certain shops, markets, schools, health facilities, and restaurants.


Relocating to a new city is exciting because it brings new opportunities. Nonetheless, there are challenges when starting afresh in an unfamiliar place. Therefore, it is essential to research and tour a new city. By studying everything in advance, you can have a convenient transition.